Shampooing Ultimutt Arme Secrète
Crufts 2025
Mineral Mud & Greent Tea - Sans SLS - apaise la peau et le pelage
Goats Milk & Honey - Sans SLS - Manteau à peluches
Lait de coco et yaourt grec - Formule naturelle pour la santé de la peau et du pelage
Vinaigre de cidre de pomme et sel gemme de l' Himalaya rose - dégraissant et clarifiant
Paquet d'échantillons: 4 x échantillons de 100 ml de nos 4 shampooings biologiques plus 1 bouteille de 100 ml de notre conditionneur Ultimutt Intense Dematting.
SECRET WEAPON Shampoo Range. dilution ratio 10-1
Our Hypoallergenic shampoos are formulated with the best ingredients available and will keep skin and coat healthy and hydrated. All shampoos are colour free and scented with oils.
Charcoal & Hemp Shampoo - Is a great shampoo for detoxifying as it removes excess oil and toxins whilst also treating flaky or itchy skin. The Hemp oil will lock in moisture to keep the coat hydrated.
Olive Squalane Shampoo - A fantastic ingredient, plant derived Olive Squalane strengthens the coat by improving the elasticity of the hair preventing breakage and splitting. Squalane is also beneficial to the skin providing deep hydration thereby helping to combat skin issues whilst acting as a natural guard against external irritants and pollutants.
Mineral Mud Shampoo - leaves natural texture and adds volume. Suitable for all coat types with skin issues, soothing and therapeutic. Also great for deshedding double coat breeds.
Goats Milk & Honey Shampoo - soothing and nourishing for sensitive skin. Leaves coats soft and silky. Perfect for oodles where you want the coat to regain curls quickly after the bath.
Greek Yoghurt Shampoo - Natural skin and coat health formula. Volumises and straightens. Great for scissoring Poodles and Bichons etc. Also excellent for thin coated dogs such as Maltese where it can normally be difficult to get a good finish on the haircut.
Green Clay Detox Shampoo - Deep cleansing, Detoxifying, Exfoliate, Removes residue & Build up, Anti itch, Volumising, Promote growth, Adds shine. Full of nourishing minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.
Rhassoul Clay Shampoo - Suitable for all coat types, restores natural balance whilst also repairing dry or damaged hair by penetrating through the cuticle to hydrate from the root leaving the coat very clean silky and smooth.
Bright and Clean Naked Shampoo – Additive free cleansing, hydrating and nourishing shampoo suitable for all coat types. Puppy and Cat friendly.